Ionic Foot Bath Detox
30 min | $55
30 min Foot Bath for Two | $110 ($39/ea)
Session add-on | 30 min | $45
*add foot bath at the end of any other session for discounted price
An ionic foot bath (also called ion cleanse foot bath or detox foot spa) is a biofield-enhancing and detoxification tool. It’s really a simple and powerful technology that provides a holistic alternative to full body cleanse and energy body stimulation. Ionic foot baths help to clean up and redefine energy pathways and unblock the free flow of energy in the meridians.
Here is a list of claims that have been backed up by facts and proven by alternative medicine. This list includes reasonable assumptions, too, since as long as they are based on experiences and reports they are equally well valued in natural medicine. The basic health claims are listed as follows:
✦ Enhance the functioning of the detoxifying organs such as the liver, kidneys, colon, skin and lungs
✦ Enhance the body’s ability to protect itself from electromagnetic field radiation
✦ Improve lymphatic circulation and boost immune functions, thus increase the body’s ability to fight infections, inflammations and cancer
✦ Have a general stimulating effect on the whole organism increasing the overall sense of well-being
✦ Improve sleep and memory functions
✦ Decrease recovery time after injuries, surgeries and diseases
✦ Help repairing the tissues, especially the connective tissues; increase flexibility
✦ Enhance nutrient absorption
✦ Help to relieve headaches, arthritis and joint pain.
✦ Clear up energetic blockages / unblock the energy flow in the meridians
To sit comfortably with your feet in a tub of water with an ion generator for 30 minutes. Some sea salt is added to the water to aid in the drawing affect the ions generate.
As the ions from the body flush out into the water and connect with the oppositely charged ions in the water from the ion generator, chemical reactions occur causing the water to change colors. Orange for joint toxins, brown for liver, black for heavy metals and so on.
30 minute sessions are for ages 13 and up, but not for anyone who is pregnant, or with a pace-maker, or any kind of organ transplant.
If you are pregnant, or with a pace-maker, or any kind of organ transplant.
Ear Candling
60 minutes | $115
Ear candling, also called ear coning or thermal-auricular therapy, is an alternative medicine practice claimed to improve general health and well-being by lighting one end of a hollow candle and placing the other end in the ear canal.
When used properly, the benefits of ear candling may include:
✦ Clears wax & debris from the ear canal.
✦ Relieves pressure from behind the eardrum.
✦ Sharpens mental functions, vision, hearing, taste & color perception.
✦ Eases earache, headache & sinus pressure, allergies.
60 minute sessions include up to two cones per ear
The client is lying on one side with the treated ear uppermost and the candle vertical. The candle can be stuck through a aluminum pie tin to protect against any hot wax or ash falling onto the client. One end of a cylinder or cone of waxed cloth is lit, and the other placed into the subject’s ear. The flame is cut back occasionally with scissors and extinguished between two and four inches from the subject. An ear candling session can last from 15 minutes to 45 minutes, during which time a series of one or two ear candles may be burned for each ear.
Anyone in need of removing excess wax or moisture from the ear canal.